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Intervention proposal on how to improve motivation through the use of traditional games with Primary 4 students in the Science subject.

After the growing importance and implementation of Bilingual schools in Murcia and therefore the introduction of the Content Language Integrated Learning  methodology in which we can find how subjects like “Sciences” or “Arts and Crafts” have appeared, we can observe how most of the current teachers do not feel comfortable or at ease when teaching these new subjects, their students have lost their motivation towards these ones and English language acts as a barrier in the teaching-learning process since most of them do not count with the necessary tools or skills.

            With this change, different resources, methodologies and initiatives have arisen in order to provide CLIL teachers with the necessary tools and skills, however, and despite their usefulness, these are not generally present in the classrooms since there is a lack of confidence in teachers when trying to implement these new resources into their daily lessons, sometimes they do not feel comfortable with this new methodology or they do not know how to transmit their knowledge to the students since bilingual schools are a recent new phenomenon.

            The main objective of this paper is to verify how the use of games inside the classroom, despite what it is thought, and apart from being a playful activity is also an important teaching tool. We will try to confirm how small changes inside the classroom can motivate students promoting a meaningful learning experience among them, to do so, we are going to present an intervention proposal with Primary 4 students in which games will be an important resource in a didactic unit.

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detalles del producto:
  • Autor: María García Buendía
  • Estado: A la venta en Bubok
  • N° de páginas: 100
  • Tamaño: 150x210
  • Interior: Blanco y negro
  • Maquetación: Rústica (tapa blanda)
  • Acabado portada: Brillo
  • Libros vendidos: 1
  • Última actualización: 03/11/2023
  • ISBN eBook en PDF: 978-84-685-3784-9
    ISBN Libro en papel: 978-84-685-3783-2
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