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The Measuring Tape - A Civics Book of Catholic Principles and Common Sense

What is more powerful, good or evil – and why What are the risks in voting for the ‘lesser of two evils” In what way are men equal, and in what way are they not When is it useful to vote – and when not What are the three kinds of human liberty – and what are their limits Why doesn’t the use of free will guarantee human liberty If I can’t give myself authority to rule over you, is it possible to give it to another person, or to a group of people, so they can rule over you What roll does the “consent of the governed” play in forming their government Is the only power we can give to another person our obedience Does authority depend upon a person, or upon the office of responsibility he occupies What is “subsidiarity”, and why does it play such an important roll in preserving the balance of liberty in a society, or n a family Why are justice and mercy two sides of the same coin Who ends up with more freedom: a person who chooses to do what is wrong, or a person who refuses to do what is wrong What is the “common Good” Why is it not possible for a person to demand doing what is unjust as a “right” What is the best way to establish justice within a society: by everyone demanding their “rights”, or by everyone fulfilling their responsibility What are the three basic kinds of government, and what do they become when corrupted What are the strong and weak points of a democracy Is it possible for the arbitrary “will of the people” in a democracy to become as oppressive as the arbitrary rule of a dictator What is the best possible relationship between “State and Church”, to obtain the “Common Good” of the governed – – These, and many more subjects are covered in this book, with many examples high school students can easily understand

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detalles del producto:
  • Autor: Frank D. Denke
  • Estado: A la venta en Bubok
  • N° de páginas: 115
  • Tamaño: 216x279
  • Interior: Blanco y negro
  • Maquetación: Rústica (tapa blanda)
  • Acabado portada: Brillo
  • Ebooks vendidos: 1
  • Última actualización: 04/11/2023
  • ISBN eBook en PDF: 978-84-686-2930-8
    ISBN Libro en papel: 978-84-686-2929-2
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