La Guía Witorg. Un enfoque integral para evolucionar tu sistema organizativo y alcanzar tus metas
Alex Zabala

The technological progress of recent decades, the globalization and an increasingly changing environment make some organizational systems in different areas and sectors seem obsolete. Both, governments and all types of organizations, watch helplessly as their organizational systems are unable to provide solutions to problems that exist today.
WITORG, through its guide, leads you to know in depth the key organizational elements and the connections between them of your organizational system. From that self-knowledge you can evolve your organization to reach your goals, raise new ones and get them back.
Concepts, systems and methodologies known as TQM, EFQM, ERP, ICT, KPI, industry 4.0, blockchain, Lean Manufacturing, VSM, Lean Thinking, holacracy, teamwork, leadership, networking, self-management, coaching, mentoring, mindfulness, CRM, PDM, PLM, ISO 9000, and others that will emerge, are trying to introduce within organizations with the intention of achieving progress of some kind. Sometimes successful, others without apparent great results, and some others being a failure.
Do you want to improve the survival skills and the ability to adapt to increasingly complex and changing environments of your organization, and also find a purpose or meaning for it?
Let yourself be guided by WITORG!
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