Nuclear physics of high energy reactions. Descriptive and qualitative study of nuclear interactions. Nuclear fission and fusion, applied in nuclear weapons.
Why write about this content? And why not? The answer sounds ambiguous, because generally when we talk about weapons of mass destruction, we immediately associate them with nuclear weapons. Which is also correct. But who associates excessive capitalism as a weapon of mass destruction? Who associates the continuous depredation that the planet suffers to satisfy capitalist interests? Who associates the democratic system that claims to confer rights, when right number one: The right to life, is continuously trampled by the richest over the poorest? Aren't those also weapons of mass destruction?
This book has been written in response to the abuse committed by the Microsoft company and Mr. Bill Gates for the blatant usurpation of the Intellectual Property of the Windows Operating System, which is the legitimate invention of the author of this book.
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