Mi caminar: recuerdos de peregrino
Carlos Goga

In the year 2033, the journalist Rubén González officially visits Lovetopia, a country run by women and emerged after the independence of the Spanish Levant from the influences of the 15-M movement.
Through his articles and intimate diary, the journalist overcomes most of the prejudices and limiting beliefs that keep him trapped in Western consumer society. Additionally, he enjoys an evolved sexuality with shades of emotional intelligence and energy polarities at the hands of Lovetopian women, leading him to rediscover man-woman relationships.
Is Lovetopia an illusion, a wild state, or a glimpse of what we could be? In an uninterrupted dance of new technologies, environmentalism, collaborative economy, the common good, happiness index, real democracy, sustainable energy, universal basic income, and more, the journalist discovers that another society is possible when we collectively attend to the reasons from the heart.
#lovetopia visualizes what a modern society and its citizens could be like if we prioritize an education oriented towards happiness, food and healthcare that promote health, an economy based on the common good and generosity, and a real democracy that uses new technologies for citizens to exercise their political sovereignty.
The author offers a collective dream that anyone can embrace and turn into a life intention. Its strength comes to us easily because it proposes behaviors and institutions born directly from the heart. And the more Lovetopians we are, the closer we will be to being able to build Lovetopia!
La librería Bubok cuenta con más de 70.000 títulos publicados. ¿Todavía no encuentras el tuyo? Aquí te presentamos algunas lecturas recomendadas basándonos en las valoraciones de lectores que compraron este mismo libro.
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