This book started without even imagining it. I wanted to save as chronicles, the experiences that were happening to me so that I would never forget them. I left Argentina 7 years ago, on this tour, I visited Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico. I moved by walking, by truck, buses, cars, carts, motorcycles and boats. I took advantage of every opportunity to continue moving north. When I began to feel and investigate this new world it was like jumping into a giant pool of information, new people and customs. You meet people, gather experiences and, little by little, you realize that you really have no idea what awaits you once you get out, and that is part of the magic.
But my mind and heart asked me to escape the routine and I did it repeatedly, for short periods of time. Before going out, there was always something that tied me to my comfort zone and then I kept putting it off. Work, study, family, friends, the cat, the dog, debts... there was always something pending. Later I learned that all these problems can be solved with time, patience and while traveling. I got tired of continuing to plan, of wanting to stop time as if the universe was going to give me back some minute in the future. I set out to go on an adventure that would mark my entire life, in search of the unknown. I knew there were more people out there like me... collectors of experiences, lovers of life, daydreamers.
Today, destinations are no longer fixed or as planned as before, after so many moves we learn to trust in ourselves, that the path will present us with the right people, places and experiences to continue growing. The destination no longer matters because borders and personal limitations no longer exist. I was lucky enough to discover many "hidden" treasures in Latin America. This implanted blindness prevents us from valuing our own culture, history, landscapes and our natives. The latter taught me the importance of living in community, in harmony with nature, self-sustaining and helped me heal both spiritually and mentally.
Today I feel the need to share my chronicles, small stories of different situations that have changed my entire life, my vision of the world, of people and of myself. They are intended to encourage them to fulfill their dream of backpacking. Of course, each person's trip will be different and that is why I clarify that this writing only summarizes some of my own experiences. I also dare to say that many of the teachings that they gave me, all travelers understand in one way or another in the way.
Above all, I put a lot of love into it to invite you to share this beautiful lifestyle. Even if it is for a while, leave the comfort zone, expand our horizons and fight to live your dreams.
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