In the midst of the tumult of the noisy city, I feel my soul dark and disenchanted, and my heart weighs down with a stinging pain, At the thought of the truth being concealed.
I see the crowds running towards the ancient church, invoking the Trinity in their ardent prayer, but my mind escapes from this rhetoric, and my thoughts fly to divergent ideas.
I question established doctrine, and my heart longs for a new vision, a clearer understanding of the truth, which resonates in my soul like a joke.
I do not fear the accusation of heresy or the judgment of religious authorities, for my quest for the truth is my only compass, and I am ready to face all stormy storms.
Thus, I walk alone on the path of truth, seeking a deeper understanding of divinity, and I leave behind the dogmas of the past, to embrace a more authentic and free vision of God.
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